How Storytelling Works

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How Storytelling Works Storytelling works because storytelling has the power to change the biology in humans, in real time. Yep, that’s right, when you hear a frightening story cortisol is released into your bloodstream. The hormone cortisol is released in response to stress. When you hear a relatable and compelling story oxytocin is released into […]

Know Thyself

The Greeks challenged everyone that entered the temple at Delphi to Know Thyself.  […]

Executive Coach – Blair Glaser, MA, LCAT, RDT – Interview

I truly enjoyed my conversation with my favorite executive coach, Blair Glaser. Why, because she has always willed solutions into the world that make meaning in the lives of others. The template for our conversation was borrowed from a passage in a book BIG MAGIC written by Elizabeth Gilbert. In Big Magic. She wrote this book to […]