Narrative Archeology & The Narrative Lens: Uncovering and Mapping the Stories That Shape You

At the heart of every brand, leader, and organization lies a deep, layered narrative—one shaped by people, places, and experiences over time. Narrative Archeology is our process of uncovering these hidden stories, decoding the forces that shape them, and transforming them into meaningful strategies for personal and professional growth. We believe that real innovation begins …

Journey Mapping ~ Elevates Your Brand

Life journey mapping is a powerful tool for personal and professional development, and it can be especially beneficial for ICF-certified coaches in several ways: 1. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Confidence: Life journey mapping encourages deep reflection on past experiences, key influences, and personal and professional growth. Self-awareness not only enhances your coaching performance but also instills …

From Story to Strategy

Mastering Business Narratives: Your Roadmap from Purpose to Action

Story-Listening Story-listening is a profound exercise in systems thinking.  It begins with introspection, where you explore your own narrative to gain a deep understanding of your organization’s identity, values, and purpose. This self-awareness is crucial because it forms the foundation upon which your entire business strategy is built.  Once you’ve delved into your own story, …

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From Story to Strategy a Life Journey Mapping Sprint

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will refresh, reframe, and rethink the lens through which your ideal clients perceive the brand called YOU?  Welcome to the Life Journey Mapping 4-Day Sprint – an exhilarating experience designed to illuminate the path to self-discovery and growth. Why Life Journey Mapping Matters Life journey …

Discover Your Hearts Desire

The process of discovering your heart’s desire requires self-reflection. Set aside time for introspection, and ask yourself profound questions about the people, places, and experiences that stand out as you contemplate your life journey. Use the following prompts to inspire your thinking. Self-Reflection: What truly inspires and excites you? What activities make you lose track of time? Reflect …

women sitting on a sofa while talking business

Life Journey Mapping = gateway to personal & professional development

LIFE JOURNEY MAPPING Our lives are full of experiences, both good and bad, that shape who we are today. From childhood to adulthood, we encounter significant events, challenges, and turning points that impact our personal and professional development. While we may not always take the time to reflect on our life experiences, doing so can …

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Nurture EQ to attain lifetime customer value.

We achieve lifetime customer value by providing high-quality products and services. Clients will return for high-quality products and services a few times.  However, they will consistently return when your customer experience resonates with them. The essential ingredient required in a customer relationship is a highly tuned sense of EQ.  Strong EQ is essential in any …


They told me, “Just learn to tell great stories.”

The Greek philosopher Plato changed my marketing perspective with this quote.  “Those who tell the stories rule society.”  So I became hooked on storytelling. Then I began creating what I thought were great stories and people mostly said, “Meh?” I was confused; could Plato be wrong?  Then, I remembered a great quote from a business …


Servant Leadership is the Best Growth Hack

When we talk about servant leadership, we generally think of it as a leadership style with the most significant impact on employees. This concept has been around since ancient times, but it has gained popularity recently. Robert Greenleaf first popularized it in his book “Servant Leadership” (1977). The servant-leader model says leaders who focus on …

Leadership and the value of human skills.

Each week we speak with business leaders about the human skills they employ to accomplish more.  This audiogram is a snackable segment of a more extended interview with Rebekah Hogan, CEO @ MarkahVida – Living Life Intentionally. Intentional Definition: Intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily. Are you living each day with intentionality?Do you consistently …

Build Your Personal Brand In Three Easy Steps

Build Your Personal Brand In Three Easy Steps If you decided to read this post because you were looking for a quick and easy way to build the brand of your dreams, sorry. Your brand building project cannot be placed into a brand-building microwave and taken out ready for public consumption. Why has fast and …