Neuroaesthetics is the neuroscience of art and the study of how we respond to music, dance, the visual arts, and the written word.
I want your thoughts on this.
Here is something intriguing that I’ve just learned. In ancient Greece, when a physician appeared during the era of Socrates, Plato, and Epictetus, the physician would prescribe poetry if a patient had a particular malady.
Go figure, right?
Twenty-five hundred years ago, poetry was believed to have curative powers.
Today’s neuroscientists are proving what the Greeks knew long ago to be true: that we humans are wired to appreciate the most uniquely beautiful things that exist in nature and are reproduced by people.
The question in this post is, what do you think of this notion of poetry as a curative tool for a wellness regime?
If a story can change the biology of humans by making oxytocin flow and making you feel more empathetic.
Or make cortisol flow because you’re frightened.
I’m contemplating this question because AI is on the near horizon, becoming more powerful and autonomous every day.
Will increasing our diet of poetry and the arts be how we maintain our humanity?
Let me know what you think.
I don’t quite have the answer.
I’d love to have your help.
Until then, good morning to you, and good morning, sunshine!
Bye for now.