When you tell your brand story do you share it high and wide?

This video provides you with stories illustrating what can happen when you do not take charge and tell your brand story.  This video provides the thought-provoking commandment, do not allow others to define you by the stories they hear about you. When you allow stories provided by others to spread, you risk being defined by their stories and not your own.

This video is not focused on reputation management as much as it strives to focus your attention on your responsibility to own the stories about you.  This video is food for thought for businesses, business pros, and each and every one of us because we each have a personal brand story.

Tom Peter’s motivational speaker, consultant, and author wrote an article for Fast Company magazine in 1997. The titled of his article was Brand You. With that article Tom Peter’s the era of personal branding was born.

Take charge of the stories of who you are, what you do, why you do it and who you do it for, those are brand stories central to who you are and what you do as a brand.

Tell your brand story!

Calling all people and businesses, this video is for you. Commit to accept the responsibility for taking ownership of your brand story. Promote your brand far and wide to assure the truth of who you and what you do is heard and understood.

Tell your stories before someone else tells their version of your story for you.

Use this link to read a post about the signature story of the brand called Federal Express.

Need a hand liberating your brand stories?

Give us a call, we are here to help you through the process!

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